Ajay Castro

Immediately after Convention - April - appoint a new member to the Scholarship Committee so the Committee and Board of Trustees can select a new Scholarship girl. Choose from list of Tables to be rotated. (This has now been changed at the 1987 convention.) So Director must appoint two committee members with an unspoken understanding that one will be able to understudy the Chairman (elected) and be the next elected candidate for Chairman. It would be helpful to choose someone who is very interested in this committee's work.
Review previous State Director's file thoroughly.
Treasurer's Bond- New Treasurer must be bonded when she receives books.

As soon as possible, appoint a Texana Editor. The previous one still gets out the post-Convention issue. Keep in mind that it costs quite a bit of money to obtain a new mailing permit every time you change locations. We found that we could keep the same one by staying in the same area. Also, it is thought that printing might be cheaper along the Boarder, but you might want to get some estimates. The Table of the Publications Chairman serves as part of her committee.

ASAP(May)compile list of all current or incoming Table Directors and officers, plus complete State mailing list. A copy of all official state correspondence goes to the following:

Table Directors
Elected State Officers
Chairmen of all Standing Committees
Chairmen of all Special Committees
Past State Directors (This has been very difficult to keep up with.)

- request financial statements' and any changes in Table constitutions from all Table Directors. Make report to the I.R.S. by June 15th or 45 days after last Table in State has its June meeting. (There is no need to wait until May to do this. Tables must send in their financial reports from January 1st of one year through December 31st of the same year. There is no reason why they cannot have it in much earlier.)

- Send Directive to State Mailing list. See above. Include new list Table Directors for the coming year and list of all Standing Committees and their Chairmen. Request for copies of yearbooks, membership lists, Texana material, and any needed instructions for the coming year's work. (The Texana editor does not need a yearbook; she needs a list of dues paying members, which is cheaper for the Tables than yearbooks and more efficient for the editor. You might want to request that Tables send her the list on the labels, so it is easier work for them to mail.)

December - Send notices of State Board meeting, dates and place. State Corresponding Secretary usually sends this notice. (I suggest you confer with Hostess Table to see what events they have planned for you. Also, give them any special requirements. I didn't find it anywhere in the files, but the State Director customarily hosts the Board for a luncheon. Also, I paid for the coffee at the meetings, but Laredo kindly gave me a check to help with that expense. Some Directors have sent a hostess Table a list of what is expected of them. i.e., coffee, rolls, flowers, etc.

After Board meeting- publish names of nominating committee in Texana.

April - Request Tables to send financial reports, Constitution changes. File.

June - Renew Treasurer's Bond. (I found no instructions on his anywhere.

January - Director sends Convention Call to entire state mailing all information.

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