July, 2024

Dear Pan American Round Table Members,

It is with a great deal of pride that I compose these few lines to you to express my heartfelt appreciation for the confidence you expressed in me at the 61st PARTT State Convention when you elected me as your State Director. Serving as leader is not an easy task but I want to assure you that I will do everything in my power to lead our wonderful organization to the best of my ability. Professionally, I have had the greatest opportunities in education organizations to serve in leadership positions. I learned much, frequently hitting the “glass ceiling”. I hope to bring these experiences in serving as your leader and making every effort to realize the ideals that our foundress, Florence Terry Griswold established for us those of Knowledge, Friendship and Understanding. These ideals not only drive our organization but stand as beacons of the values that Mrs. Griswold hoped to develop in us, the PART members.

Over 100 years ago, the United States / Mexico border was experiencing very much the same situation that Texas faces today. Thousand of women and children fleeing a war-raged country where it was not safe to bring up their children. Mrs. Griswold envisioned providing a safe environment in which they could find refuge. Being struck by this mission, I have selected the theme of “Women and Children, a Gift to the World” for this biennium. I urge all the Tables of Texas to strive to meet this goal, to identify worthy causes in their individual communities that assist women and children who are in need of help. Many non-profits organization have established means of assisting their clients, but there is yet much to do. I challenge the Table Directors to search for avenues for their members to pursue. I hope that Mrs. Griswold is looking down on us and exclaiming, “Well Done Sisters, exactly what I had in mind”.

Lastly, as your new State Director I will be calling on all of you to serve One for All and All for One as we work to move our organization forward. The position of State Director is not one that is fulfilled in isolation but one that calls on all the members to do their part as we move towards success. Please assist me by doing your part, I look forward to working alongside of you. God bless each and every one of you. De todo corazon, mil gracias. ONE for ALL, ALL for ONE, UNA para TODAS y TODAS para UNA.

Rosa Maria R. Vida, PH.D.

2024-2026 PARTT State Director

Photo of State Director Rosa Maria R. Vida, PH.D.

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The Pan American Round Table (PART) is a nonprofit woman's organization with member Tables at the local, state, and international levels. PARTT is the Texas state-level organization, with members in twenty Texas cities. As stated in our constitution, the object of this organization is to foster mutual understanding, knowledge, and friendship among the peoples of the Western Hemisphere. PART of Texas and local PART Tables award annual scholarships as a principal means of accomplishing these objectives.

The PARTT website provides a platform for sharing current and archived documents of general interest to all Tables, and to develop a convenient method for the exchange of State and Table scholarship information. The website also includes a history of the PART organization found in archived documents from the early formation of PARTT in the 1900s to 2019, a complete collection of Panamericana Texanas (the organization's publication), State and local scholarship details, convention registration information, reports and programs, and a listing of State and Alliance Board of Directors.