Installation of Officers for 2000-2001

Pan American Round Table of El Paso, Texas
Written and presented by Esther Ledesma Spence (Director 1978-1979)
May 16, 2000

I would like to ask the newly elected officers to come forward and stand in front of the head table on the left side of the podium.

Officers of the year 2000-2001:

Kay Lassiter Director

Mary Ann Dodson First Associate Director

Carolyn Scott Second Associate Director

Olga Badia Third Associate Director

Mary Carmen Saucedo Recording Secretary

Hilda Lewels Corresponding Secretary

Nina Sambrano Foreign Secretary

Ollie Ochoa Foreign Social Secretary

Judith Goggin Treasurer

Jane Hammond Assistant Treasurer

Nancy Fox: Custodian of Flags

Susan Hillis Historian

Cheryl McCown Parliamentarian

(Ask Martha Narvaez, Recording Secretary, to distribute and place in each officer's hands, a bookmark that represents a different country in the Alliance of the Pan American Tables, as each one is called).

Kay, today, you begin as the first elected Director of the New Millennium for the P.A.R.T. of El Paso Texas. You have traveled through many Latin American countries representing us and spreading love. Because of you, many ladies from these our neighboring countries not only love you, but love El Paso and are open to our good will and understanding leading to friendship.

As a member of this wonderful organization, that promotes understanding throughout all America, I install you as Director of the year 2000-2001. May God be with you in all your decisions, and I present you with a bookmark of the United States of America.

Officers of the year 2000-2001: (Call each one separately)

I give you these bookmarks that represent the different countries in the Alliance of Pan American Tables.

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